Raising Chickens in Mississippi


Jan 4, 2016
Central Mississippi
Y'all have made my self education about chickens better for me with this forum.
My family and I just jumped into chicken rearing with both feet last month so I figured it was time to stop lurking and get involved.
Hope you're having a great 2016 so far!
Hi Mike,

What breed of chickens are you raising? Feel free to share a photo if you'd like.

If you're interested in 'meeting' other members in Mississippi, you can find them here:

Good luck to you with your new flock, and I hope 2016 is a great year for you!
Hi :welcome Mike

Glad you could join us here! I'm sure your enjoying the chicken journey you have embarked on. It's a great hobby that the whole family can enjoy especially the children. How many do you have in your flock at the moment?

Be sure to ask any questions that you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC :frow

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