Raising Chickens In Toledo OH

Das Hen Haus

May 21, 2015
Hello everyone! I have been following this site for some time but decided to jump in with both feet to the forum. My hubby and I started raising chickens last August (2014) with 4 RIR hens. Since then, we have built a solid coop of 12'x18' with attached run of same size and the flock grew to 50. Unfortunately, we had a respiratory virus take out 14 of our hens recently, we culled the flock by another 22 and now have 16 hens with one rooster. Oh, and we got 21 new peeps (Golden Comet) in April. On the subject of chickens in Toledo OH (Lucas Co.) our councilman was helpful but we are dismayed that the city wants to place an ordinance on chicken coops in the city limits. We look on our ladies as not only a source of eggs and meat but also as entertainment and enjoyment!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Oh I am so sorry about this virus and having to cull your birds! I can imagine that was very hard with a new flock.

I sure hope your county doesn't change any laws on you and you can keep your lovely birds!

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!

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