We've completed week two of life with chicks. And I really love these chicks. We live in far NE Scottsdale and our temps are cooler - on average 8 degrees cooler. Just want to make sure we have the right breeds for our climate. Currently, their run is 10'x5' and they free range for about an hour a day now. The coop is 4x5 with 4 nesting boxes. We've all enjoyed watching the chicks interact and grow. Currently, we have 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Black Astraulorps, 3 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte. We plan on adding a tractor coop and separating the chickens on a rotating basis. We believe we can add 2 more chicks of the same age to our flock. Can't decide if we should add buff orpingtons or one of the breeds we already have. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.