Raising Pheasant Chicks/Meat Birds


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Hi, this will be my first year raising broiler meat bird chicks and along the way, I also ended up ordering some Ring Necked Pheasant chicks. I will be getting 20 meat bird chicks and 2 pheasant chicks in about a month. However, I am still unclear as to how to feed them. Some websites say that pheasants and meat birds can eat the same starter chick feed, while others say pheasants need a separate gamebird feed. Which one will work? Can I feed them the same stuff? Or do I need to get different food and why? Any help is appreciated.

I don't know about broiler meat birds but pheasants if you want them to be fat enough to get the meat from them will need the gamebird feed with a high protein. I would think the meat birds are chicken and I would think they could eat the same as the pheasants but not vise versa.
Do you know if the pheasant chicks would get along with the meat chicks? Or would i have to separate them? I hear pheasants can be cannibalistic.

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