Raising Pullets to sell,Have you done this?

animal nut

11 Years
Sep 11, 2008
S. E Ohio
I am considering buying 50 extra chick and raise them until they reach laying age. I will keep 10 to 15 of them for myself and sell the rest of them. I am trying to up my profit so that I may reduce the cost of feed for my current laying flock. I can get the chicks at a very good price locally and feel that I can return a profit. I would like to know what was your experiences doing this. I would hate to get stuck with a bunch of extra chicks.
Selling started pullets for $15 each won't even cover my feed bill. If you are looking for a way to make money on chickens it won't be easy.
We have tried to do the math. We keep very acutate records. I would be purchasing the chick for $1.50, by the time they reach 20 weeks I will have around double that with feed. I plan on selling them for around $8.00 each that would make it a $5.00 profit per chick.
You think you can feed 50 pullets up to point of lay for $3 each? And at 20 weeks of age you plan to have only invested $4.50 in each one?

You need to regroup and figure in the cost of heat bulbs, lamps, feeders, drinkers, brooders, bedding, runs once they are out grow the brooder stage, feed and your time to tend them all not to mention the cost of loss of life of one or more pullets.
I sell 5 dozen eggs a week from 9 hens- thought I was covering the feed costs, but once I did the math, not really. And when you factor in time and the costs of coops, runs, etc., it really looks dismal!

I have decided to just be happy the way it is, as a moderately expensive hobby!
I already have all the equipment needed to raise the chicks. I plan to pasture feed this flock just as I do my existing flock.
I doubt you will make a profit with them, at least it didn't work for me anyways. Here in my area of Massachusetts people seldom want to pay more then $10-15 for young pullets and in the long run you end up putting more then that in.
It will take about 750 lbs of feed to raise 50 layer pullets to 20 weeks. Around here that will cost about 250.00. Plus your chick cost. You will turn a profit, but not a very large one.
I really am not looking to get rich over this venture. I thought that I could deter some of the cost of feeding the rest of my flock. I know there is a market in my area for this so I think I will give it a go and let all of you know how it turns out. Maybe I will try to sell them young. Nothing ventured nothing gained right? Thanks for all the input I do appreciate the insite. If I fail I have no one else but myself to blame.

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