Raising single chick refused by mother


7 Years
May 24, 2012
I have a chick whose mother refused it (left it in the nest). This chick still has its egg tooth and was dry. We tried to place it with another hen who did very well and accepting other refused chicks in the past, but she kicked it out and refused it as well.

I do not have a bator and have brought it into the house placed it in a small bucket (all I had on short notice), with a lamp (regular house lamp; again all I had on short notice) over it. I have been able to get it to drink some sugar water and crushed up some worms for it. It has eating some of the crushed up worms and sugar water and seems to be doing better than when we first found it.

However, I do not know what else to do for it, as I have never had to tend to a single chick inmy home before because other hens had always accepted rejeced babies before. What more can I do for this chick to help it survive? When is a good time to place it outside in our coupe with our other chickens and chicks?

Thank you for any help

Here's the link to raising chicks from the BYC learning center. It's an easy guide. Hope it helps you, and good luck with your chick. You may want to get a couple little buddies to raise with it...?

Wow, I've never had the luxury of having a momma hen deal w/ the birds. When I get new chicks I tend them inside for weeks and weeks. And weeks. They go out in the coop when fully feathered.

I'm so curious how folks w/ broody hens deal w/ this rejection issue. (Is it possible the chick was rejected for a reason?)

Good luck!
Thank you for the reply. I reviewed the link you gave me and will do all I can to help this chick. Since my post it has begun to walk and its chirp has gotten a lot stronger. I have even gotten it to eat a small amount of scratch feed. I am really hopingit pulls through because my 7 yr old son has become very attached to it now, since it is the first chick we have taken into our house to try to save.

We have also kept an eye ont he next it came out of because another hen has decided to sit on it now and we beleive there may be more eggs to hatch soon. However, the hen sitting on it, has never raised chicks before either and we have had her for several years now, so i am not sure if she will take care of any hatched or not. Either way, I think we are going to bring in another chick to raise with the one int he house so it isn't alone.
Sounds good. Be aware that momma would help the chick find tiny bits of grit as well. The chick would not need grit with chick feed, but most likely would with scratch. You can get chick grit at the feed store, or many people use sand for the little ones. Have fun and I hope all goes well.

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