

In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2021
Hey guys!! I just got my first 2 ducklings a few days ago and I would like some advice on what you have learned with raising ducklings. As of right now they are in a dog crate until I’m able to build a coop outside :) they have food and water and a stuffed animal to cuddle with. There heat light is on with a blanket over the crate. I take them out every hour or so and give them cuddles, they LOVEEE laying on my chest. The only question I have is when do I change over there food? I have starter crumbs rn. They are I assume 2-4 weeks
any other advice is helpful as well :)
You can switch over when they are 7 weeks old. If your looking for food on the cheaper side I would recommend https://www.ruralking.com/catalog/product/view/id/37510 when they are 6-8ish weeks old you can stop feeding them at night. Make sure that they have a deep enough container that they can dip in their heads. When they go outside you can get them a kiddie pool but make sure they can get in and out without to much struggle. They love treats my Ducks favorite are peas. (Make sure don’t contain salt) they can go on a salt overdose. Hope this helped :)
You can switch over when they are 7 weeks old. If your looking for food on the cheaper side I would recommend https://www.ruralking.com/catalog/product/view/id/37510 when they are 6-8ish weeks old you can stop feeding them at night. Make sure that they have a deep enough container that they can dip in their heads. When they go outside you can get them a kiddie pool but make sure they can get in and out without to much struggle. They love treats my Ducks favorite are peas. (Make sure don’t contain salt) they can go on a salt overdose. Hope this helped :)
Thank you sm!!

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