Rare Heritage Cotton Patch Geese near Houston Texas


13 Years
Mar 22, 2007
Near Houston, TX
Cotton Patch are on the ALBC list of critically endangered breeds. Our geese have correct pink bills and feet and blue eyes. Sexable at hatch adult geese are a beautiful dove gray and ganders are white with grey highlights.

They are very tame and and peaceful geese, we have never been pecked in nearly a decade of owning them even when checking nests. They raise their young on their own and are protective parents.

. $35 for a male or female single or $50 pair.

We really love these geese and I would love to see them in homes that are interested in preserving them.
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Are you only selling the birds themselves or would you be willing to sell hatching eggs? Most of my game hens are beginning to go broody and this year is the year of the hatch, apparently. I'm looking into building up my flock a bit more and weeding out breeds that don't work. My Dad is hesitant about owning geese in the first place (he remembers a time when geese would chase him all the way from their nests until he was in the house, and even then they would try and get at him through the screen door, haha). However, I think a nice, calm breed would be great for him to experience.

If you'd be willing to ship hatching eggs, I'd be pretty interested. The only thing I'm waiting for is confirmation from one of my favorite game hens that she'll be staying on that nest.
I ship eggs from our Jubilee Orpingtons, Faverolles and Ameraucanas but have never tried shipping goose eggs. I'd have to get some ideas on packaging and hope for a second round of laying since I let all the geese set this year and only collected 'stray' eggs that were laid in places other than the nests. So far we have hatched 48 goslings and have another 8 eggs growing in the incubator.and one goose still setting. It has been a good year. :)
Ah, alas, something has just come up. Looks like money will be tight for awhile. I wish there was something I could trade with you to purchase some eggs from you, but I realize you are probably only looking to sell.

Those Jubilee Orpingtons are gorgeous! I've never had Orpingtons before, but maybe that's a good thing. All my hens are tough cookies and I've heard that loads of Orpingtons can be pretty submissive. My Game Hens and Naked Necks are not like that at all, haha! For whatever reason, despite trying to raise my chickens to be calm and relaxed, I've had dinosaur chickens that are super hardy and don't back down from a fight. I even had a little bantam cochin hen that would see our turkey tom and would puff up and charge, haha! That poor guy was terrified of her.

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