Rare Mallard colors

buff goose guy

5 Years
Feb 9, 2014
Mississippi Y'all
Hello all, I was wondering who else out there has gotten mallards not in the grey pattern but like whites, blues, snowys, and buff colored mallards.
I myself have been breeding mallards for a while now and about 5 years ago i had one stray mallard hatch out of a clutch. The mallard was black and she grew up keeping the color, her chest however did turn out to be just a darker grey pattern with a few white flecks.
I had been trying to get the color again when her first successful clutch produced 2 normal grey mallards i was kind of upset and wondered if it was just a color that could not be passed. However this past june i had another clutch of 2 hatch in the incubator from her one was black and the other grey. So i am now in the process of trying to find other lines of pure bred colored mallards.

one of her eggs

her with a rouen last fall

her first 2 offspring

her fighting another mallard hen
her 2 offspring from june in the left corner
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The dark duck looks likes Cayuga cross. My girls just started laying and their eggs gave that dark gray coating on the shell. I thought they were the only ducks that had gray/black coating on their eggs.

She's gorgeous and so are the babies :)
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ive never owned cayugas and havent bought any mallard derived ducks from anyone who has owned any . All her eggs do not have the dark coating only that one i had found
this is her usual egg
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