really small eggs


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 24, 2007
I have a 7 mo Rhode Island red that up until last week was laying consistently mesium sized eggs, through winter. I was keeping a light on due to the really cold winter we were having. I know that the reduced light, especially through the winter reduces laying. Anyway, I turned off the light in the evening, bam drop in laying, but our other two are still consistently laying. Then today, the Rhode Island Red lays the smallest egg I've seen out of any of our girls. Thoughts?

P.S. Conversly, our Brahma layed an egg today that is so big I can't close the carton.
It's just the vagaries of chicken reproductive organs... Every once in a while, you get one extreme or the other. The little 'uns are really cute. I blow them out and save them.
Kind of what I thought, but it was really suprising to see such a small egg.

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