Yes,he can be housed with your peahen.Both peafowl and pheasants should not be housed or near chickens or turkeys.Chickens and turkeys can give pheasants diseases that will kill them.Their pen has to be covered on the top,either with wire or anything that will keep them dry.They need perches,gamebird feed for both,not layer pellets,gamebird feed,fresh water.They should be wormed 2 times per year.
You really should have read up on these before you got them.They are simple to care for,but you should have some clue as to care for them.They both love fruits and veggies,wild bird seed,peanuts(unsalted only)mealworms,crickets,and have grit available to them at all times.
Do you have predators in your area?Foxes,coyotes,racoons,etc.
In N.H.,Tony.
That is really a beautiful golden pheasant you have there
. The coloring on the feathers are very bright. Do you just have that one male, maybe you should get him a hen for Spring? As for what to feed him, a good Game bird crumble feed would be fine, try supplementing the diet with grains, vegetables and fruits. He should be fine to stay with a peahen for the winter, he may fight come spring. Plus she will keep him company for the winter, just don't crossbreed the two in Spring.
I'm not sure what the housing would be, Someone with better knowledge on this will let you know!
Peafowl and pheasants cannot breed.They can be housed together for years.They should both have mates and all can live together as long as their pen is big enough.A 12x 12 should be okay,but bigger is always better,and have several perching areas.
In N.H.,Tony.
Tony, I have done research on the Peafowl and know how to take care of them. I have 4 Peafowl already and got these 3 this week so I know how to care for my Peas.
My question was pertaining to the Pheasant. I just found him for a good price this week and didn't want to pass him up. The people had him with the Peahen and that was why I asked that question, if it would be ok for them to house together for the winter. I plan on having him a place of his own in the spring with a hen of his own.
We have some predators but I have Great Pyrs and Anatalion Shepherds on the grounds around all of the bird areas so not any issues so far.
Thanks Birdman, I am proud to have him.
Would a 3 sided area be good for him, something to keep the wind off of him? I have netting on all of the tops with tarps on some for shade and rain protection. I was also wondering if he needs a place like a house to go in when it does get cold. Thanks
Sorry I jumped to the conclusion that you bought them on a wim and didn't know nothing about them.As I said previously peafowl and pheasants can be housed together permenantly provided the pen is big enough.Their perches should be placed where no wind can blow on them.I use to cover my entire pen in the winter months,and found that it just screwed up their breeding and laying season.Now I just poly the top 3' of their pen and breeding and laying is great.The top is covered year round.I just put a metal roof on,so now I don't have to worry about rain and snow.I used to use a construction poly for the roof.The 1st time I used it ,I got 4 years of use out of it.This last time I didn't get 2 years,so I figured in the long run that metal would be more cost effiecent.I also put a wire apron around the bottom the their pen so predators can't dig in.I lay it right on top of the lawn and let the grass grow up throught it,and it's held down with tent stakes,this way you can mow the grass as you would if there was nothing there.You don't even know there's wire there.This is a pic of my pens a few years back.I have added 3 more pens on the left of side,so the total is 12'x84'.There are 14 6x12 pens and inside 8 of them,there are 5 3x6 and 3 6x6 offground pens used for young birds.
In N.H.,Tony.
Have you ever heard of a problem with male red golden and apeacockof any type male Tony? I was just curious is all. I have a friend that put a bornean with a Java and it worked with one but it was almost a disaster with his oldest one. Love your avatar. Aint tried them yet!
Hope all is well with you and yours Shawn
No,I have never heard of any problems raising peafowl and pheasants together.When he put the bornean with the peafowl.Was the pen new to both birds?If he added a peafowl to an established pen,a pheasant will defend "his"pen.If adding a pheasant to a peafowls established pen,the peafowl will just be curious as to the new addition.Never heard of a peafowl challenging a pheasant though.
Yes,all is well here.Hope all is well with you also.Not many bird left to sell,sold lots of birds this year.
In N.H.,Tony.
Good deal.I cut back as well on my overall deal. He added the Bornean to the peacocks long established pen in both instances. But only the male bornean bothered him not the girl.Thats why I was wondering about boys being in the same pen and maybe it was the blue coloring that set him off. He might not give a care on a red golden boy Maybe I will see next time Im up there. LOL!
Any way,I have two red golden hens with my java boy. I added the hens about two months after I got him. He started struting after they were added and still does every now and again. They get along great .
So 3 years back I got some silvers wich walking and stay with my pea s without a problem, ok I must say the yard was 60m by 80m. But disater struck when I add a lady amherst male(a extra male with no female) to these birds(silvers) the amherst must say have good kicking skills which drove the silver crazy and when I remove farao(name of the amherst)everything was fine. Which was interesting, also in the yards there was some guineas and they get along quite well with the silvers but the alpha male guinea have a problem with the peacock but respect the kingdom of the peafowl of the yard...So my conclusion you can add one species of pheasant with peafowl and not more.