Red Ranger Chicks


In the Brooder
May 2, 2015
Randleman, NC
I got these chicks one week and 2 days ago. I believe they are about 2 weeks old. When I got them they were all the same as far as growth goes. Now it is very noticeable that one of them isn't developing at the same rate as the other two in the feather department. The wings and tail are most noticeable. This makes me think this one is a cock. What do you guys think? Is this guy a cock or a hen.
Silly me, I forgot to include the picture.
I had three red ranger chicks, one was very large but didn't grow feathers as fast as the other two, especially his tail, he had a short stubby tail while the other two grew very long tails. He ended up being the rooster and the other two hens. They are about 8 weeks now.
The one other rooster I got out of the six was an Australorp and same thing, he grew feathers much slower than the two Australorp hens and had a much shorter tail that young. Their tales are about even now and same feather coverage but now you can tell in their combs, but that young I would say feather growth was pretty good rule of thumb for me
Here's the rooster and one of the hens now
here was the rooster the first week
And this was that same hen the first week, you can clearly see the feather growth was already so much faster at that point
I got a straight run of 14 red rangers and had the same question when they were about 2 weeks. Exactly half of them had long wing and tail feathers while the other half were still fluffy butts with short wing feathers. I was just told chickens all grow at their own rates. Well now that they are 6 weeks old (and after losing one that died of fright during a thunderstorm!) we very obviously have 6 boys and 7 girlies, so I think the wing growth was in fact indicative of sex.

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