Red, swollen abdomen area, nee

chicken jedi

8 Years
Sep 20, 2013
Our girl, who is 9 years old, has a swollen abdomen which is red and warm to the touch. She is eating and going about her day as usual, but obviously something is wrong.
Im really hoping someone has an idea how we can help her.


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I have had a couple of hens whose abdomens looked like that for a year or two. It may be from salpingitis and lash egg material inside the abdomen or it could be ascites, or a combination of both. If she has problems breathing, or seems to be suffering, it might help to drain some fluid from her abdomen. It also might be time to consider putting her down, but as long as she is seeming to be active, and eating and drinking, I would just let her be, and observe her.

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