Red thing sticking out 5 day old chicks butt.... Help

I never have commented on a forum like this, but I have a similar, but worse situation. As soon as baby chick hatched, another chick came over and aggressively pecked and pulled at the umbilical cord. An oval shaped organ-like (red, bloodied, with veins) blob came out still attached to her. As soon as it happened, (so fast!) I quickly took the pecking chick out. I felt like that was a risk to the other eggs that had pipped, but couldn't let her peck on the newly hatched chick. We debated about what to do and decided to let nature take course. Everything fell off and the belly button closed like normal. Anyone experience this??? I feel like there is no way she can live without whatever that was (stomach??). She looks to be doing just as well and as active as the others now. She is still in incubator though because she has not fluffed out yet. This is my first time incubating. 😩 Any help/suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

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