Rescue Goose - Boy or Girl?


13 Years
Feb 20, 2011
I adopted a goose yesterday. Aside from a bullet hole in its head and its wings clipped with hedge clippers, it's doing fine. Can you tell me if this is a boy or girl? He/She started squaking this morning when I let it out of the barn. It gets along fine with the chickerdoodles, they pretty much ignore each other. I've never had a goose before yesterday. It has a bowl of meat bird food, a bowl of cat food, and the girls' egg maker. He/she didn't want the traditional tossed salad for breakfast, I'm sure it's totally confused right now.


Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance, Preston
Well good for you for rescuing the goose. Fancy somebody trying to shoot it and mistreat it. Its hard to say if its amale or female but has a very proud stance. In fact it looks like a very good Embden but I cant guage its size.

Sorry I've not been much help to you

Someone will have to chime in on the longterm use of meat-bird feed in geese.
But it's 20% protein, so I'm sure it is fine for now. You should not make the catfood available to the goose.
They will eat just about everything, if they have access to it.

If you want to make him/her happy, buy her a plastic baby pool to bath in.

If it's a girl it does not look like it is laying this year. The underside of your goose is very flat.
Laying geese get a flap between their legs during this season. It doesn't mean its definitely a boy, but it makes me lean that way.

What are you going to call your survivor?
Thanks. I've been calling it Gus for now. The cat food will be moved to where only the cat can get to it. There are lots of 'pools' in the pasture as there has been so much rain and snow here. He's exploring them as we speak.

Sounds and looks like an Emdben to me and Im going to guess thats it's a male. Its a fine looking bird and I would be looking for a nice mate

Thank you for rescuing this guy. I can't tell by looking, but my guess is that it is a male, especially if he was dropped off somewhere. Most of the dumped geese I see are ganders.

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