Rex earned his keep today.


Life is a Journey
12 Years
Jul 8, 2007
Woodville, MS
Most of you who know me know that I have a German Shepherd, Rex, who began by sleeping with each batch of baby chicks till they were old enough to free range and then followed them around to guard them. He'd seemed to have lost interest in them now that they are all grown and scatter all over our yard/property. I'm guessing he's just relaxed with them now - he used to be so uptight with them that he would growl at our other pets if they got near the chicks. Anyway - today I heard him barking and looked out the window to see three HUGE dogs in my back yard (at least two were Great Danes and the other a Boxer - all much bigger than Rex). My chickens were out as usual. However, Rex really impressed me. He didn't attack any one dog. Instead he would run charging and barking at one and when he did the other two would try and run around him and toward the house - then he would shift and run after them. Can't really explain it but he single handedly managed to successfully herd all three out of our yard. The chickens by the way were all hiding under bushes next to the house. It looked like he was herding cattle. He didn't actually attack any dog or get in a fight. He seemed to know that the other two would get the chickens if he fought with one dog. I know he chases off predators during the night because I hear him barking but he can smell anything long before it close to the coop but I had never seen him in action like this before. I am quite proud of him and he seemed proud of himself. It all happened so fast. I ran for my husband to help and he ran for a shovel and then we ran outside but Rex had it all under control and the dogs were gone - back across the river/creek where they live. Good job Rex. For anyone wanting to know what kind of guard dog to get for your chickens - my vote is German Shepherd.
Praise the Lord for our beloved canines! Rex deserves a big bone and a doggie massage
You are lucky to have such an awesome dog! Hope you got him an extra treat!!

Wow what a special dog. It is amazing that some will take over the flock as their own.

I wish my dogs were that good with my chickens I have 3 boxers and 2 mix something or others LOL
but we did not have my chicks when my dogs were little so they dont know how to act around them, can you send Rex over for a trainging class? " chickens are friends not food " kinda class?

give him a nice big treat he earned it

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