Rhode Island Blues


10 Years
May 4, 2012
My first chickens, three Rhode Island Blues, and their first egg, pale blue. I had read that they normally have brown eggs. They are sweet, very friendly chickens, I just have the 3.


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The only reference I could find for Rhode Island Blues chickens was from Welp Hatchery. They say they are a cross between Rhode Island Reds and Blue Australorps so Rhode Island Blues are not a breed. Blue is not an accepted color for Australorps either which might help confuse it. So you are not really dealing with recognized breeds, just chickens with marketing names. No telling what an Australorp may have been crossed with to get that blue color. The only recognized color for Australorps is black.

Both Rhode Island Reds and Australorps lay brown eggs and Welp claims their Blue Australorps lay brown eggs. So genetically there is no source for a blue or green egg in that heritage. But you obviously got a colored egg.

It seems to be happening a lot since the backyard chicken craze took off a few years back. It's not just Welp. Different hatcheries are creating their own chickens with mixes and crosses and giving them cute marketing names. They are not a breed, just a mix, so there are no standards. They are not always as consistent as you'd like. Since the Blue Australorp have to be a cross to get that blue color there is no telling what else is in their genetic background.

They are still my girls - no matter what they are

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