Rhode Island Red boy or girl?


5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Hi - we're first time chicken owners, and got 2 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Golden Sex Links in mid March from the feed store, supposed to be all ladies. One of them is looking different, though (front). S/he is about 10 days behind the other Rhode Island(back right) as far as feathers go, very few tail feathers so far. Her comb got the red shading about 2 weeks ago and started looking larger. The goldens are all bigger and feathered out a bit earlier too. This one has the most personality, and has been the first (daresay only) one to figure out the ramp in and out of the house. Her colors are darker than the other red and seems to stand taller and stretch more. Thanks for checking out our chicks, our daughter, 6, named them all Susan.

I'd say you've got a boy named Sue
Here's the latest picture of a boy named Sue. He started crowing about 2 weeks ago. Still waiting for the other Susans to start laying.

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