Rhode Island Red, Buff Orphington, Americana, Black Giant Columbian...


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Troutman, nc
I am making a chick run thursday, they offer Rhode Island Red, Buff Orphington, Americana, Black Giant Columbian Rock, Barred Rock, Brown Leghorn, Light Brahma, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Gold Comet, Speckled Sussex, Partridge Rock, and Black Australorp. From what I have researched the australorp seems to be the best layers, but I want different color eggs to
Not sure if it is true americana's or EE's, doesn't matter to me really. Other than the few for a different colors I really want good layers. These chicks are $1.00 so I can get a varity Thanks for your input

My Golden Comet is a fantastic layer (almost every day) and she is a retired battery hen probably nearly 4 years old. The green egg layers you mention are probably EE's. It's not very probable that you will get purebreds from a hatchery. They are very likely to lay green eggs, but not always. Out of the three pullets I have, two lay green eggs and the other lays HUGE ivory eggs.

Rhode Island Reds are good layers, but I find other breeds lay larger eggs, if that's what you're looking for. My Buff Orpingtons lay larger eggs but they aren't as reliable, as they have a tendency to go broody.

Good luck whatever you decide on!
Get some of each. Each breed will have just a little difference in their color eggs and shapes. To add extra color go with the ameracanas. All the ones you named are good layers. Golden comets are bit smaller hen but do lay large brown eggs fervently. I like the personality of my orps and rock. Gloria Jean
I have to agree with Crazyhen. Get a variety of each if you have the room. If not it really depends on your preference of the chickens since all of those listed lay fairly well.

Where are you getting these chicks for a $1? I would love to find some more chicks especially at that price.
Variety is a good bet. Is this your first experience with chickens? It's amazing how each breed has its own personality. I have four pullets: RIR, Buff Orp, Australorp, Ameraucana. They all seem happy and healthy. Still waiting for my first egg. Good luck.
acording to hubby about 10 -15, since I already have 2 nh reds from last spring they lay huge eggs. And I went about a month ago and got 15 sixteen week old comets. But since I
the chickens and turned into a chickenholic ( and he
me )
I will prob. get about 30, so I can get a varity, thanks for the input, I love this site and all the people on it.
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I have 5 RIRs, 2 EEs, and one SL wyandotte and they all seem to doing well in the laying dept. Out of 8 hens, I get 5-7 eggs a day. Since my flock is is only 6 months old I am getting all sorts of different sizes in eggs. Today I got one huge egg from a rir and some smaller ones. I know once they are fully grown the sizes with become more normal. But I love my RIRs!

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