Rhode Island Reds - Hens or Roosters?


8 Years
Dec 7, 2011
Hi! My name is Joanne. I am a total newbie to this forum and to raising chickens as well. I live in Vermont and have recently become involved with raising 12 Rhode Island Red Hens - at least that's what we ordered. They are now six months old and have started to lay eggs about two weeks ago, although not all of them are laying yet. We're up to ten of them laying! But I have often wondered if we have a secret rooster among our ladies. Recent behavior really made me question this. However, it's really hard to tell them apart. I've seen from pictures that the Rhode Island Red roosters grow this beautiful black plume of a tail. My question is this: At what age does that tail come into full maturity? If it's at six months, then we're OK. If it's later, then the jury is still out. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Joanne!
from Washington State glad you joined us!
I don't have Rhode Island reds but I would think by six months you would see saddle back feathers (pointed feathers) and the comb should be much bigger then the hens. The males are also much bigger.
from North MS!!! At 6 months you would be able to tell the difference pretty easy, if it's a roo his comb will be much larger and he would have different colors then the hens.
from Washington State
If you are unsure there is a thread here where you can post pictures of the suspect cockerels and people can weigh in on their thoughts

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