Ringneck Doves in Chicken Coop ??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
Saskatchewan, Canada
I was wondering if I could put a pair of ringneck doves to live in my chicken coop with my chickens.
The hen house is 8' wide x 4' deep x 5' tall
The fully enclosed attached run is 8' wide x 12' long x 7' tall
It's completely wired with hardware cloth with 1/2" squares
The chickens are cornish bantams - 1 rooster & 6 hens
We house our ringnecks with our chickens, just make sure neither bird is agressive. We had one ringneck who "needed to learn the peckingorder" and so we threw him in with the pigeons and young chickens. Well the pigeons schooled his butt, and the chickend only gave him shelter if he was nice to them. All our other ringnecks got along well with out chickens.
Thanks for the reply

Think I'm going to try putting them in tomorrow & see how they work out. Do you leave yours out during the winter as well? Have been trying to find out just what the max temps are for ringnecks, gets pretty cold here in the winter.
We house our's in a trailer(type you see on a construction site...long story) in the winter. It's insulated, but not heated. We run heat lamps, just to take the chill of(IE. keep it just above freezing). But I've been told by locals that our doves can survive in the cold, as long as they are protected from direct drafts, and their water isn't frozen.
It gets pretty cold here in the winter -30 C and colder. Would they be able to survive in an insulated building without heat? I keep my chickens in there year round without a problem. It's draft free and dry and although the water freezes it's refilled 3 or 4 times daily so they have a good supply of fresh water. I've been thinking about getting one of those electric bowls, doesn't really give off heat but keeps the water thawed all the time. We tried one out in the barn for the cat last winter and it worked really well so we are going to be getting them for the chicken coops.

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