Ringneck Pheasant Chick Feeding


Apr 22, 2015
I was wondering if anyone can tell me how many times per day I should be feeding my flock of 25, 4 day old ringneck chicks.
Rob Ewing
They should have food and water at all times.Don't put their water to close to the heat source as it will heat their water.Are they eating on their own?If not you need to dip their beaks in the water and then in their food.You may need to do this a few times until they know what their food is.They should be fed a gamebird crumble not layer mash.You do not have to crush it smaller they will eat the smaller pieces and then they will eat the big pieces when they are bigger..
In N.H.,Tony.
is that 24% protein?....medicated or not? thanks for any advice...a newbie, sorta. Is it possible to tame them or do they stay 'wild'? My first batch was fine with me while they were in the pen, but once released, they went wacky and took off to parts unknown. thanks
24% sounds right,but I feed mine unmedicated.I only medicate when they need.They do get the meds in their feed when they get older.Ringnecks are wild by nature but I'm sure if you spend lots of time with them they will calm down a little.
In N.H.,Tony.

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