Ringneck Pheasant Chicks for sale.In Ohio


Rest in Peace 1949-2012
Aug 24, 2008
Southern Ohio
For BYC Members, will have pheasant chicks day old hens, week of April 20 th. 50.00 per hundred plus 15.00 for shipping. I can take paypal. Will be putting some on eggbid, will wait and give member 1st to book order.
Ship extra, Guarantee 100 live chicks.

You can check my feedback on eggbid user craft,or ebay user bgcbird.

PM or Email if you want a 100.
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r these hard to care for? i mean compared to a chicken chick.
Are these the ringneck pheasents? Was wanting to get some hatching eggs but this deal is better than a doz eggs. And these are all females right? making sure Im reading that right. If so, do you have males too and howmuch to add 5-10 males?
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My husband just PMd you... we want them.
But shipping may be a little extra to AK... ?
Brood like chickens ,but give them more room, to keep pecking down. Use red brooder lights for the same reason. Use a Game bird or turkey starter feed.
ok so i sent you a pm, but more questions. how old until these birds are mature and when do they start laying or are old enough to eat? are they easy to keep for breeders?
OMGs I sooo want this...darn you...100 is too many! ARGHH!

Will you sell less than 100 hens? maybe w/ males too???
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