RIR 4 weeks old gender?


9 Years
Apr 20, 2013
South Carolina
I have 2 RIR that are the same age and they are looking so different. You tell me if im correct. Im thinking one roo and one pullet. One has a larger comb, different stance, and the tail feathers are different They also have different coloring (don't know if that makes any difference). Am i right thinking that this is a roo?

You can see the comb good

You can see the tail feathers and feet in this one

Pullet? Tail feathers are longer and small comb

Both together for comparison

im not sure! ive put some pics on of mine at 3wks, 1 is huge but has a longer tail , 2nd is slightly smaller small tail, my 3rd is a diff breed so smaller but long tail
2 big ones comb similar size but largest has more feathers than them all, so go figure!
Thanks! I really want her/him to be a pullet because it has the best personality and always comes running when i put my hand in the brooder box. If s/he turns out to be a roo i will have to get rid of him since i cant have roosters in city limits. I just went to city council about getting the ordinance changed so we can have chickens in city limits. Her/His name is Road Runner so i wont have to worry about the name needing to be changed.

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