RIR and Buff Orp eggs in Al SOLD thanks


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
I have 12+ RIR eggs available to ship Monday. I can do half RIR and half Buff Orps if you want a mix. 20 for a doz + and that includes shipping. First one to say sold and Paypal [email protected] Thanks Julie



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You are so tempting me with those pics, Miss Julie! Your Buffs are huge beauties! And I sold my Scarlett to rooster-red so she could reproduce with his nice rooster and I didn't have one, but I miss her wonderful deep color here. Did my Meg's mom come from these lines? If I had paypal, I'd probably be sunk, LOL!
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Yes, Meg came from some of the lines here. My Straight comb RIR would be a brother to your Meg. Maybe one of the buff hens. They are sweet. When you get ready for some jusst mail me a check and we can send you some. Just remeber I am not shipping after April 7th till the end of April due to vacation.
Julie....All of the RIR eggs from you are developing!! I checked them last night. A couple of the orps were clear and so were some of the silkies....can't remember exactly how many. I love how dark your RIRs are....I'm hoping for pullets!!
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Thanks for letting me know Katy. Hope you get lots of pullets too. I Have a few three week olds and three are pullets and on cockeral.\\

These eggs are SOLD

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