RIR Hen with Broken leg/ dislocated hip


7 Years
Dec 8, 2015
Aloha... One of my three adult RIR flew over our electric fence and got attacked by my dog. her wing, hip, leg look very distorted and my husband almost put her down but because she was eating and drinking decided to give rehabilitation a shot. She is in a dog crate by herself in the chicken pasture and the two other RIR seem to miss her and hang out around her crate a lot. Needless to say, all tree chickens stopped laying, I'm assuming they are all traumatized. Today is day 4 of this ordeal. My injured chicken is not moving bit is otherwise eating and drinking. Does anyone have any advice? I tried to splint her wing to her body but she keeps getting out of it. Not sure how long it usually takes for them to recover and at what point I should pull the plug. Thanks for your input in advance!
Poor girl :( Sounds like you're doing the right thing, separating her and splinting her up. If it were me, I'd start her on a course of antibiotics or apple cider vinegar (natural antibiotic) to help prevent any internal infections from the stress and/or unseen injuries. I've never dealt with this particular issue before, but I'd assume if there are any breaks it'll take a while, probably at least a month. As far as splinting her wing to her body, try using VetWrap (or other brands) - it's a self-adhesive wrap that she won't be able to get out of easily. Put down a towel before you wrap her so the wrap doesn't cling to her feathers, then wrap it pretty tight, as long as she can still breath and function properly otherwise, she oughtta be just fine :) Good luck, looking forward to seeing how she pulls through!!!
Wow that doesn't sound good. We have had a dog catch and pull feathers out of a lot of our chickens and three died so she probably is very stressed. Also our chickens didn't lay eggs for a week either. Good luck.
Thanks for your advice! A few more questions: do you think it's better to have the dog crate inside the house or in the chicken pasture with the other two? I put her in the pasture because I thought the company would soothe her. Also, should she remain confined in the crate until fully recovered or can I let her out sooner? Without the splint she stands up and hobbles around with her body all crooked but with the splint she just sits and doesn't move. Thank you!
No problem alohamoa :) If it were me, I'd keep her in the crate outside unless it's under like 40 degrees at night, the cold could slow her healing. You're right, having her other chicky-friends will help soothe her and keep her mind off it :) Just as long as she's safe, like no dogs or 'yotes can get to her (they can and will tear the crate open to get her) then outside is just fine. Personally I would keep her confined until she's fully healed, makes it easier to manage her condition. It's probably good that she just sits and rests, the rest will help her heal also. Maybe give it a week first with taking her out a few times a day to potty and stretch a little, then judge it from there :) As far as the possibility of having to pull the plug, I'd just keep an eye on her and if her health or quality of life starts flyin off the deep end then that would be the time to consider it. Until then, baby that lady-ken and enjoy the bock bock! :D
I thought you might want to know that my creamy girl is fully recovered and just started laying again. splinting her leg and wing against her body was key, and i spoiled her with all of her favorites treats, especially fresh oat meal. recovery took about 1 month.

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