RIR or Production


Production RIR are usually the hatchery chicks, bred for egg production and not show standards, Heritage RIR's are bred to meet a spceific show standard and not egg production. You won't want rooster's of either type for your children and hens of either type can be very sweet and personable. I personally have never met a RIR of either type that I didn't like.
None of my RIR bantam roosters are mean. Now, the d'Anver roosters... that's another story. Not all roosters are mean. Take a chance on the breed you like. If no one chases and teases the roosters than they may not be agressive.
I have done some research into this, and I will answer to the best of my knowlege.

The Production Red is basically the decendent of RIR crossed with Leghorns to produce a leaner bird that lays more eggs. Although you can use them as duel purpose they are not the best choice as they don't have a lot of meat on them.

The true RIR (aka heritage) are excelent duel purpose birds that lay a good amount of eggs and have a good amount of meat on them. They are a deeper color and are bigger then the Production Red.

I can't tell you which is better with small children as I have not owned either and from what I have read, there is no temperament difference between them.

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