RIR Pullet or Cockerel????


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 2, 2013
Hello all, can someone please help me sex this beautiful bird?


Thank you for the response! Pardon my ignorance, but what's ithe difference between a rir and a production red?
Well, a production red is what hatcheries and feed stores sell as RIR, but unless you get birds from someone who preserves the breed, it isn't. The body shape is a block on your bird, as it should be a oblong, long back, protruding front keel. The tail should have almost level, just 10 degrees in lift. As you can see, the tail on the bird you showed is sky high. The reason is that way back when, brown leghorn was likely used to speed up the RIR in laying.

A true RIR is deep, rich, almost black mahogany is color with unique shiny feathering.

Here's a few photos of some birds we have. We have some production reds as well, as they are very good layers.

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