RIR Pullets or Roo's????


11 Years
Jun 10, 2008
Weare, NH
Im having some trouble figuring out what sex these RIR's are. Here are the pictures :) Anyone have any insight?




They are between 16-18 weeks of age from my calulations and I was thinking maybe they are getting ready to lay? I havent heard any of them crowing so I was thinking they are Pullets???
Well I have four Roo's of a different breed. The neighbor is really far away from me so I dont hear any complants :)
Im hoping I got mostly pullets but wanted to make sure. When did your girls start laying?
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PBJ do you happen to have any pictures? I guess Im going to have to wait to find out? Thanks for the info..Im still learning but this is going to be my breed. I'm hoping to hatch my own eggs sometime in the spring
Here's a pic of Rhodey, my RIR roo, at 17 wks. old. His comb, wattles, and legs are much bigger than your RIR's are. Yours are definitely all pullets! My RIR girls started laying at ages 19 to 22 wks. old. Hang in there! Yours are close!


I had to come back and add one more pic of Rhodey standing upright at that same age. Notice how his tail stands straight up and the green in his tail feathers?!?! Yours do not have the green and the do not stand upright, so your safe.

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Here is Rosie - was sexed as a pullet so hence the name. He actually responds to it so he will forever be known as "Rosie Rooster". He seems to molting and the white rooster behind him was notorious for grabbing tail feathers - so his feathers aren't in prime condition in this photo from a week ago. The white rooster no longer lives here (he also used to swing my 10 week old banties around)...

I think the bottom pic may be a roo- looks like this chicken has saddle feathers coming in, and some green tail feathers. Side views are easier to judge. Can you get side views of the others?

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