Rocking on Day 19 - Still Rocking on Day 23


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Arriving home this afternoon, we went to check that all was well with the incubator and have seen 3 eggs (of 15) rocking. Ihad to do a double take with the first one to make sure I had seen it right! The excitement mounts in this first hatching adventure! We can't wait to see these cute little Buckeyes...
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We're still seeing rocking on day 20, but no pips at all. I never thought the waiting would drive me so crazy!
So now you know the reason why you stop turning at day 18, they want to turn themselves!!
I can't wait for mine to rock out!
Hecate, are all of the eggs rocking on day 20 now, or are some still not rocking?
I've counted at least half of them rocking - but they seem to want to do it stealthily! I wholly expect them to hatch out in the dark of night so we can't see!
Im with you. I have 15 in the incubator. I am on day 19, tecnically i just hit day 20 1 hour ago. But anyways 3-4 seem to have moderately to barely rocked. The other 11-12 no movement at all. Its probably nothing but I would sure feel betetr if the others would show some small movement. What is your humidity at? Mine is around 67%. I hope thats right. This is my first hatch.....
The humidity in my lg forced air is at 55%. It's as hiugh as I can get it to go without the temp dropping. I read several posts by Wheaties in a post about humidity in the bator saying this was a good point of humidity for the last three days, and I am trusting him on it! (not that I have a choice...) I'm trying not to get too worried over it, so we'll see how everything's going tomorrow - day 21!
Good luck, Ducati!

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