Ok I am weird, when everyone is hoping that their Roo doesn't start crowing I am anxiously waiting to hear my RIR Roo crow. He is 13 weeks old and not a crowing he makes. How much longer before I hear that handsome crow of his.
Thanks, I thought he might not know he is suppose to , so, I wen't so far as playing some recordings of a RIR Roo crowing and he didn't even notice ,but the girls did
He will learn soon enough ..The next job though is getting him to stop ...
I have a trick up my sleeve ..If mine crows non stop for a few minutes I throw some grass in the run and he forgets what he is doing lol
It is nice to hear sometimes ..But sometimes its just to much ..I had a SLW cockerel for a day that crowed non stop from 3am to 10am, and i mean NON STOP, im suprised he could do it for that long with no breaks ....by 10 though he was in a cat carrier on his way to the freezer .. As much as I wanted him for my SLW hens I only have room for one noisey roo
I have a flock of Big Chickens (LF) about 8, 9 months old with a couple hens who were a year in March, plus four 16? week old pullets (3 LF and a bantam cochin), plus 4 bantams of 3 different breeds just 10 weeks old. The Bigs sleep in their own coop, the Middles sleep in their own coop, and the Littles sleep in the Duck House (because the ducks never slept in it even once).
This morning, as the rooster (a Big Chicken) crowed after he came out of the Big Chicken Coop - using the automatic door - I heard a responding, baby crow from within the Duck House. Adorable as heck. But the suspect did NOT crow again when I let everybody out!
It's got to be one of the Sebrights. *sigh* I hate waiting to learn genders.