Roo or Pullet? 4 and a half to 5 months old


9 Years
Jun 4, 2014
orlando, fl
Looks like a pullet... No wattles! :)

I've heard it's difficult to tell with Silkies when they're young... You should find out in a few weeks when she lays!

Good luck!
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Not allowed to have roos :-( would love to have a couple if I lived in a different area. I used to have some gorgeous roos and once I even had a hen change into a roo. Chickens can do that unlike most species but it's very rare!
Not allowed to have roos :-( would love to have a couple if I lived in a different area. I used to have some gorgeous roos and once I even had a hen change into a roo. Chickens can do that unlike most species but it's very rare!

How INTERESTING. It appears that when the hen has some kind of hormonal issue, the left ovary (which remains dormant) starts producing androgen and causes a sex change! Then hen will only resemble a rooster in appearance... she cannot father chicks.



- MrsB
Thanks Wyandotte ! Wyandotte I have a Wyandotte that I got from a friend because something was Killing all of her chickens. She hast layed since I got her though any ideas why? It's been about 2 weeks now....
Thanks Wyandotte ! Wyandotte I have a Wyandotte that I got from a friend because something was Killing all of her chickens. She hast layed since I got her though any ideas why? It's been about 2 weeks now....

Lots of things. Stress from a new environment, flock integration, change in diet, shortening of the days as we go into winter (assuming you are in the northern hemisphere), feeling broody, beginning of the molt (starts late Aug - early Sept)... all those things and more can have an effect on whether or not a hen lays.

I'd just keep an eye on her and make sure she's getting plenty of protein and calcium. :)

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