Roof vents


In the Brooder
Nov 14, 2018
Ontario, Canada
My husband installed two roof vents on our 8x6 coop (8 ft high). These roof vents are the kind you would find on a house. Is this sufficient venting for a coop? Or, do you need open grates at the top of the walls, to let air really flow/move?

Thank you in advance for your insight. :)
How big are the vents and what type of roof vents are they? How large is the coop and how many birds? Any other ventilation? Having ventilation up high is ideal especially in colder climates, but it's hard to say if it's "enough" since everything is relative, like 2 big vents in a smaller coop with only a couple chickens could be enough, 2 tiny vents in a bigger coop with a dozen birds would not be.
The coop is 8’x6’, and 8’ high. There are two square roof vents that are around 12”x12”. I’ve included a photo of the type of vent.
There are five Ameraucana chickens and five guinea fowl.
2x rosemarythyme, Ohio gets alot of snow, you'll need to clear off the snow from the roof/vent. Does the coop have windows, it would help with ventilating the coop. I'm thinking you may need more vents, maybe high up on the wall? I'm no expert with cold weather but here the heat/humidity is just as bad as cold/snow :rolleyes:
Being in snow country, when snow covers those vents on roof, you have no venting at that point. It is in my opinion and many others will agree to place vents on gable ends.(provided your coop is constructed in such fashion). Venting at the eves is also ideal, since it will not get blocked easily. It is also good to have a small vent opening at bottom of coop to allow for take-in air.
Good ventilation means a good free airflow, without drafts or wind to ruffle chickens feathers.
I do not know how your coop looks, therefore I am only suggesting what is commonly known about ventilation.
If your coop is not exactly tightly sealed, and there are cracks, and other small openings allowing air to enter, you may have sufficient venting.
If you smell ammonia inside coop, or if you see condensation inside on the walls of your coop, that would mean insufficient venting.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :welcome
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Is that the only ventilation you currently have? You want a minimum of 1 sq ft per bird.

Other concern with those types of roof vents is snow build up will block it up, so you need to keep snow cleared around it.
I disagree, not trying to be a prick but with 1sq.ft. per bird she would need to take roughly a 1/4 of her roof off. So just stop and think about that for a second. Her coop is roughly 48 sqft and per your calculations she needs 10sqft of venting. That is not true. I believe the 2 roof vents you have will be plenty given they have an equal amount of intake air space. Each one of the vents you have will have a listed amount of "free venting area" now make sure you have a place lower not in the path of your chickens allowing at least the same amount of free venting area to act as intake air. Once you start with that you will know if you need more or less. Yes you will need to keep venting areas clear of possible snow/debris.
Again not trying to insult anyone I am just looking to correct what I believe is misinformation. Many come to this site looking for answers and while it's great to have info we need to make sure it's good info.

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