Roo's or Hens? Can you tell??


10 Years
Nov 16, 2012
New to the chicken world and was wondering if anyone here can see if my Dominique's are Roo's or Hens....I really hope they are all hens but 4 of their combs are darker than 1 and the 1 with the lighter comb is darker in color than the other 4....but they all have bumps on their legs that look like spurs....Help please!!
I think the one on the left is a pullet, possibly the second one from the left too. The two on the right looks like roosters though. Do you have some pictures of them closer up?
Honestly, the far left one looks like a pullet and the others look like roo's to me. You might have another pullet in the middle as it is darker...but the only one that I would say with some certainty as a pullet is that far left one.

How old?

Lady of McCamley
BTW all chickens get spur some breeds the female even grows spurs but in others only the male hormones cause spur development, and you can have the odd female with spurs in those too.

Lady of McCamley

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