Roost or no roost

crooked stripe

12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
N.E Ohio- Suffield

I opened the door to the coop today and let the chicks into the 8x16' run. Is it recomended to install roosts in the run. 1/2 the run has a roof over it and the other 1/2 is just chicken wire to keep the undesirables out. They love the roost in the coop.
Dawn, those are some beautiful chickens. If I had known more about chicks I would have made some different choices. Love to see the color. Next time will be different. This is my first time and it is very enjoyable. John
Thanks, John!

Skip and I picked out our favorite "eye candy" Bantams together last year, when we decided to keep chickens (2nd time for me, 1st for Skip).

We've sold the 5 Mottled Cochins and 3 Silver Sebrights since that pic was taken and are getting more into Silver Spangled Hamburgs, for a dual-purpose breed. Skip loves his Silkies and I love my Easter Eggers (gotta have green eggs and ham atleast once a week for dinner!
), so they'll always be around.

The little Cochins were awesome but constantly wanted to stay broody in the winter (and so did the Silkies) and I didn't want 6 broody hens at the time (not enough room here!) so we sold them to a wonderful family that was just getting into chicken-keeping.

We sold the Sebrights to a forum member, Kentucky~Momma and family. I keep in touch with both families occassionally to see how "the kids" are doing, even.
They'll always be "my kids" since they were the first day-olds I ever raised!

Gee, sorry for rambling on...I can talk about our gang all day and not get tired of it...

Are they all bantams? How about suggesting some of the breads so next time I will know what to look for. At this time I was shooting for egg layers not pretty chicks. How would they do in the winter here in Ohio? The grand kids love to fondle the chickens that is why I picked what I did. Please fill me in. Thanks John

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