Rooster and roost?

I have WHAT in my yard?

11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Eggberg, PA
Doesn't the most dominant member of the flock usually roost on the highest spot?? The last two nights since we moved the flock to their new coop I went in to check on them after they had bedded down and found the rooster near the bottom! There were two rungs full of ladies above him! What's up with that?

Is my rooster a henpecked wuss!?!
Moving to a new coop, just like adding or removing birds can upset the pecking order.
My Alpha roo sometimes sleeps on the highest roost, sometimes he sleeps on the floor.
My alpha roo always gets pick of his favorite spots, but if the girls start fighting about who gets to roost closest to him - I swear they act like a bunch of teenage girls all wanting to sit closest to the high school hunk - he occasionally gets knocked down and then finds himself some place else to roost.

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