Rooster Attacked by Cat *Graphic Wound Photo


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2022
Help! Our rooster was attacked by our neighbors cat. It really got his rear end and looks as though the skin and/or muscle that holds up his rear feathers on his right side is hanging.

I rinsed it with saline and used an organic spray 3x a day yesterday and today I switched to Vetericyn Plus. I’ve attached photos on the wound as of now. This occurred Sunday evening.

He’s eating and drinking but i dont know how the healing process should look but I’m noticing some black as you can see in the photo.

Is this normal? Is the skin just dying but it will still heal? Help!


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This is coming from a wildlife rehab point of view so please take with a grain of salt.
If you can get him to a vet I would do that because cats have such toxic mouths. If you can’t get him to a vet I would flush the wound with chlorohexidine, if it’s a deep puncture you will want to flush it out regularly with a syringe — squirt into the wound flush out pus, etc. I would keep using what you have been using but I don’t know if it’s as safe to use as a flush. So if you can get this:

Watch for abscess if the wound closes, it’s better if it can be open and drain. I’m new to chickens and still learning but if you can get him an antibiotic I recommend that. If the wound is not a very deep puncture it may not be too bad. I’m having trouble seeing the wound, the black could be tissue necrosis or healing. Be sure not to use hydrogen peroxide as it interferes with healing. Eating and drinking is a good sign. If the wound was caused by claws and not biting then there’s a much better prognosis and less risk of a abscess forming.
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You can get chlorhexidine at most feed stores and tractor supply stores, you can get a smaller bottle at walmart or any pharmacy as hibiclens. It's hard to tell in the picture, but some of the black may be dried blood. After flushing you can apply plain neosporin or plain triple antibiotic ointment. If droppings are getting on the injured part I would flush and reapply several times a day to keep it covered in ointment, and clean. If you see pus formation, discharge, any bad smell (you will know when you smell it) then antibiotics would be called for. You can get amoxicillin as a fish antibiotic without prescription on line.

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