Rooster breed please? (and offspring results?)


🐓🦆For the Birds!🦆🐓
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Feb 9, 2015
West Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
I believe this is a mutt or EE rooster, but want you guys to confirm please?
First two pics. Next 2 pics are my dark Brahma roo. I would also like to know what kind of chicks these would produce if they mate with my Golden Comet girls? I have 2 girls, that will eventually be introduced to these boys. Would it be bad to have just these 4 together? Should I get rid of a roo? If so, which one?

Wait a minute, you only have two girls for these guys? Rethink that please, and fast. Hen to rooster ratio should be about 10 to 1. Also, golden comets are a sexlink, so they are mixed breeds. There can be no predicting what you will get. If you get a flock of cuckoo maran hens for your easter egger boy, you would get sexlinked olive eggers, but you won't know for sure until his daughters start laying.
Wait a minute, you only have two girls for these guys? Rethink that please, and fast. Hen to rooster ratio should be about 10 to 1. Also, golden comets are a sexlink, so they are mixed breeds. There can be no predicting what you will get. If you get a flock of cuckoo maran hens for your easter egger boy, you would get sexlinked olive eggers, but you won't know for sure until his daughters start laying.

Right now the 2 roos are by themselves at my farm/camp. They are a couple of years old and were given to me. I bought a couple of golden comet chicks that are now about 6-7 weeks old, but they are still at my house. Last week I hatched 10 lavender orpingtons, but I don't know male/females yet. I was thinking when I get around to moving them all to the farm, that I would put the LOs in one run and the comets could go in with one of these roos. That's why I was asking. I don't want to get rid of either of my boys, but I know the ratio is not good, but wondered if it would be ok if they were the only 4. I also have a self blue slate turkey to consider in this mess too lol.
The EE roo over the comets could give you colored egg layers, IF he carries the gene for blue/green eggs. Many of them will pass for EE-they are a mixed breed actually but so many people insist on them having a 'certain look' and this what I meant.. you would not be wrong to call all chicks from this cross EE though but if they happen to not have a beard, people might argue this very silly point. Expect a lot of reddish/buff bodies, with half having white tails/necks and half having black in the same areas.

Brahma would give white/silvery colored chicks, with pullets either all white/off-white with or without some buff wash or the same with some black on the tails and necks. They will look basically like regular type chickens with pea combs and sparse or no leg feathering.

If one or both of the roosters happen to be very frequent breeders that can get real bad for the two hens. However, some roosters don't breed so much, either not so often or mostly only breeding if the hens squat. You won't know which type those roosters are until you see them in action.

I would Highly recommend not letting the roos have access to any pullets until their combs are large and red, OR after they start laying. The roosters WILL either force down the pullets for breeding even if they are not even close to laying or keep pestering them. This is because there's no other mature hens around so they will be overly excited over pullets despite them being too young.
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The EE roo over the comets could give you colored egg layers, IF he carries the gene for blue/green eggs.   Many of them will pass for EE-they are a mixed breed actually but so many people insist on them having a 'certain look' and this what I meant.. you would not be wrong to call all chicks from this cross EE though but if they happen to not have a beard, people might argue this very silly point.  Expect a lot of reddish/buff bodies, with half having white tails/necks  and half having black in the same areas.

Brahma would give white/silvery colored chicks, with pullets either all white/off-white with or without some buff wash or the same with some black on the tails and necks.  They will look basically like regular type chickens with pea combs and sparse or no leg feathering.

If one or both of the roosters happen to be very frequent breeders that can get real bad for the two hens. However, some roosters don't breed so much, either not so often or mostly only breeding if the hens squat.  You won't know which type those roosters are until you see them in action.

I would Highly recommend not letting the roos have access to any pullets until their combs are large and red, OR after they start laying.  The roosters WILL either force down the pullets for breeding even if they are not even close to laying or keep pestering them.  This is because there's no other mature hens around so they will be overly excited over pullets despite them being too young.

Great info. Thank you so much. Looks like I have some deciding to do in the next couple of months.

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