Rooster Breeding My Hens


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2016
How old does my Buff Orpington rooster have to breed my hens, and once they are bred, how long until the eggs are firtile?
As well as how old until hens can be bred?
Roosters may start mating at at leats 2 months old.But,they are not fertilzing any thing.Roosters can fertilze at 5 months.

Any egg being made or made,as soon as the rooster has mated then hen won't be fertile,but any egg that is made within the hour,or the next day,probably will be fertile.

Most hens can be able to be mated with at 5 months.
Thanks I have some hens i was wanting to breed, they are 26 weeks and laying regularly, im getting my rooster today and he is 16 weeks
You'll have to ve patient.the hens will probably be territorial or just brutal up until he decides he's over being a punk.
All day he has hid from the hens in the corner because they kept on picking on him, but they slowly started warming up.
When he gets his confidence up he'll show the girls he is "The Man." He is just outnumbered right now and in strange territory.
Well this morning when I went to see if they had killed eachother yet, and he ran to the edge of the pen to greet me just like all the rest of them, Im guessing thats a good sign

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