rooster coop ideas ???

newbee chick01

In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
hi there has anyone got any tips on building a rooster coop??? like how much space per roo,how much roosting space etc,,,,
also i want to try making it dark 2 see if it stops 4am crowing lol.
any ideas or tips would be apreciated as im clueless where 2 start:/
The same rules apply to rooster pens as with regular coops. 4sq/ft per bird in the coop. In my "Freezer Camp" they have a roost and a dogloo, yet they prefer to sleep on the ground in the hay. Go figure. There are only 3 roos in the camp right now, though. And as far as the 4 am crowing goes, the dark won't stop it. Mine crow at 1 and 2 am sometimes, even during new moon when it is pitch black outside! If they hear something outside the coop, or have a bad dream, they will start crowing. If you don't want the crowing, get rid of the roos.

The DW and I recently started processing our roos. We have too many, from too many hatches, and plenty of room in the freezer.
i`m hoping to keep my rooster.i was thinking of maybe sound profing or something just to take the echo off lol..i`m a heavy sleeper and could probly have him sleep in the room next to mine and he wouldnt wake me
i`ve got six kiddies that don`t wake up either. its more to keep my neighbours happy:) i`m up at 6am and hes non-stop:cool:

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