Rooster in a Scuffle, Now He's Blind in One Eye?

The Chickens' Maid

15 Years
May 2, 2009
formerly CT, now Ukraine
We have a rooster who just got into a scuffle with some other chicken in his coop a day or two ago. This isn't that unusual, and he didn't have any obvious wounds, so I left him alone until today. I got a look at him this morning, and his left eye is now slightly milky (like it's covered in a film) and a little sunken. He has some discharge from it, and I think I saw some pus inside the eyeball itself, too. He doesn't seem to be able to see anything from this eye. He doesn't react when we wave our hands or move anything on that side of his head. His other eye is fine, so he's able to get around, and he's acting healthy and normal.
Has anybody dealt with this sort of thing before? Thanks!
While it is possible that he has lost his eye, thee still could be an intact eye inside there when the swelling goes down. It could be the nictitating membrane that you are seeing, which looks like a white membrane. Or it could be pus. I would irrigate the eye with saline or an eye wash, then apply plain Neosporin, Terramycin, or other antibiotic ointment twice a day--just an 1/8 inch strip of ointment just inside the eye. If he is blind or has lost the eye, he may get along fine if you can treat or prevent infection. Here is a link with pictures of the nictitating membrane or third eyelid:
Thanks! I started this with him this morning. I think the film on his eye is pus. I think I've seen him blink with his clear eyelid, so at least we won't have to fight to get meds past it! We have a blind horse and a cat who has needed eyedrops, so my family has some experience administering eye meds.
As of yesterday afternoon, he now has a dark streak from his pupil to the side of his eye. I'm assuming this is blood and that there's really nothing I can do about it except continue to try to prevent infection. On the up side, he's relatively good about taking his eye meds. Thanks for your help!
He's doing much better! The infection in his eye is gone, but I think he can only see some shadows on that side. It doesn't seem to bother him much, and he hasn't automatically lost his place in the pecking order. He just likes the extra attention.

Thanks again!
Just an update on Bubba the rooster, in case anybody else has this problem:
He's doing really well. He is completely blind in his right eye, but it doesn't slow him down. I wouldn't even know that he had only one good eye from the way he acts. He has gone down in the rooster pecking order, but it was quick and painless. The other two roosters don't bother him; he just stays out of their way. His eye has become foggy, and the iris (the part that was pecked in his eye and was completely severed) has fallen to the sides of his eyeball. I can't see it anymore when I check up on him. His eye also is a bit bulgy, but it hasn't changed in a while. Just in case somebody else has a chicken with this issue, these might be things to expect. We're not treating him at all because he doesn't seem to need it. I constantly monitor him for infection and monitor his weight to make sure that he's not being bullied. All in all, it doesn't seem to have changed his life very much, and he's very happy.
Thank you for the update. I am glad that he is doing well with his blind eye. I also have a polish chicken with one eye, who get gets along fair.
We have a rooster who just got into a scuffle with some other chicken in his coop a day or two ago. This isn't that unusual, and he didn't have any obvious wounds, so I left him alone until today. I got a look at him this morning, and his left eye is now slightly milky (like it's covered in a film) and a little sunken. He has some discharge from it, and I think I saw some pus inside the eyeball itself, too. He doesn't seem to be able to see anything from this eye. He doesn't react when we wave our hands or move anything on that side of his head. His other eye is fine, so he's able to get around, and he's acting healthy and normal.
Has anybody dealt with this sort of thing before? Thanks!
So my chicken is blinded right I I don’t know what’s wrong with him but he looks fine I guess he doesn’t want to eat all he does is drink he will be fine my mom talked to the vet for me seems like everything‘s gonna be OK but yeah
So my chicken is blinded right I I don’t know what’s wrong with him but he looks fine I guess he doesn’t want to eat all he does is drink he will be fine my mom talked to the vet for me seems like everything‘s gonna be OK but yeah
Welcome to BYC. It would be best to post a picture of both eyes where we could see what the eyes looks like. And even better if you could post a new thread of your own since this one is 9 years old, and few will respond to it. Injuries, eye infections, respiratory infections, cataracts, and Mareks disease are several of the possible reasons for blindness. If one eye is blinded, most chickens can do well finding food and water. When both are blind, they may have trouble. Here is where to post a new thread on the emergency forum, and click on the green box:

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