Rooster is sick and now one hen is too...


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
I hope you all can help me determine what is wrong with my rooster and hen. Two days ago, my rooster started sneezing and when he crowed, it sounded like he was gurgling (sp?) When I was closer to him I could tell when he was breathing is sounded a little raspy. Now this morning, my hen is acting funny. She went back up into the coop and I could hear her breathing and it sounded raspy too. On the Alabama thread, someone suggested that I give Tylan 50 / 1CC per day under the skin on his back for 4 days, so yesterday I got the stuff and gave it to my rooster. First I want to know what this could be? Second I want to know if the suggested treatment is ok or if I should persue a different treatment. Thanks all. I hope I can get some answers today before I lost one or both. *sigh*
I hope you all can help me determine what is wrong with my rooster and hen. Two days ago, my rooster started sneezing and when he crowed, it sounded like he was gurgling (sp?) When I was closer to him I could tell when he was breathing is sounded a little raspy. Now this morning, my hen is acting funny. She went back up into the coop and I could hear her breathing and it sounded raspy too. On the Alabama thread, someone suggested that I give Tylan 50 / 1CC per day under the skin on his back for 4 days, so yesterday I got the stuff and gave it to my rooster. First I want to know what this could be? Second I want to know if the suggested treatment is ok or if I should persue a different treatment. Thanks all. I hope I can get some answers today before I lost one or both. *sigh*
Tylan is a great antibiotic for chickens, roosters and other animals.
Dose correctly and hopefully they will be fine.

I can't be certain what the issue is, but you should check for lice, mites, bloody poop, balance issues, etc.
No lice, mites. Fred is walking around like normal eating drinking and pooping just fine. Wilma just went back up in the roost and was sitting in there. Which is fine.
No lice, mites. Fred is walking around like normal eating drinking and pooping just fine. Wilma just went back up in the roost and was sitting in there. Which is fine.
Is Fred the rooster that you gave tylan too?

Keep me posted.

Make sure you inspect there droppings, it could be anything, every worms.
I had this problem last year for the very first time. Chickens would sneeze and when they breath sounds like they are gurgling, really congested sound. It seemed to progress rather quickly and began having a thick sticky phlegm like substance coming from nostrils. Two of them had a very foul smell coming from the beak. I contacted every vet within a 200 mile radius but none have any experience at all with fowl. Not even any good suggestions. One I know was kind enough to start research to see what she could find out calling other vets and reading tons of material. All we could find was it was definately a respiratory disease but not known if it is viral or bacterial because so many of the respiratory diseases have such close symptoms. Alot of chicken owners from here have this same issue but don't have any idea what it is. Last year I lost a blue orpington, golden comet and a splash silkie due to this issue. There were four more that became ill with it also but pulled through. I gave the antibiotics, put electrolytes and minerals in their water and put heat in the coop and sanitized the coop and cleaned it regularly. This year it is back again. I have one blue orp that is gurgling and sneezing. I have isolated her to her own pen away from the others as this is contagious, added heat, antibiotics and electrolyte and mineral water. So far, she is the only one showing signs of it this time. She has been sick for 4 days now. So far no worse, no better. She is still eating and drinking well and active so I'm hoping she pulls through. Not all of my chickens contracted this last year. I purchased three golden comets from a man two years ago and they were the first to have it so im assuming this is where this came from. Later, I found a person that had purchased some from the same man and they were sick also. Vet says could have resistance to it and never get it but you just never know. Did say that once they had the disease would be carriers of it for life. Their suggestion was to cull the flock and start over. I can't do that. They are like family so we will just deal with the situation and try as hard as we can to save them. So, I don't know if this will help you but I hope that it might and that your roo and hens pull through. Nothing more stressful than having sick chickens and you can't get an answer as to what this is and how to save them. If I have any fatalities from this this year I will be taking them to vet for necropsy. I am determined to find out what this is and how to treat it.
Tylan 50 should fix them right up. I usually inject right into the breast meat, changing location of injection every time. If you go the IM route and not the subq route, make sure to aspirate before injection and not to go to deep into the breast muscle, because you don't want to hit any organs. This should cure up your problem in about 5 days.
Yes Fredis my BO roo and the only standard roo I have. Wilma is his matching hen who just today started the same symptoms. I brought home some Blue Cochins last week from someone who breeds chickens so I don't know if it came with them. None of them are suffering from the symptoms. Fred and Wilma came together from a lady who had a predator take out the rest of her flock, but I have had them for several weeks and this just happened. I will treat them with the Tylan 50/1cc under the back skin for a few days and hopefully this will improve them. Fred is walking around but Wilma is in the roost and seems tired and weak.

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