Rooster kicked my butt literally


11 Years
May 19, 2008
East Bethel MN
So im out in the yard just a few minutes ago taking pics of the chickens hiding in the lilac bushes of course i was bent down to get a clear pic when out of nowhere my cochin bantam rooster crash snuck up behind me and kicked me in the butt as if to say "hey get out of our hideout" It was quite hillarious and just thought i should share it with my fellow BYC'ers
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That is too funny!
Last night my fiance and I were sitting outside the coop when the roo was getting them all to go in. Roo kept coming out and squaking at us. Finally we got up to leave and he went in for good. He was waiting for us to go in too!!!!!!!!!
Too funny, yesterday am, my husband was in the backyard and our "mean as a snake" rooster had him pinned against the porch. My hubby was yelling for me to come, I gave him the broom to keep the rooster off of him. No one can go in the backyard without me.

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