Rooster maybe


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2018
we where told we have all Hens but we are starting to think we may have some roosters which is fine too, but is there anyway to tell before they become fully grown? We are going to start building a coop soon and if I have more than one rooster I want to keep them separated
The Three we think look like this
With the exception of sex linked hybrids or autosexing breeds, there is no way to sight sex chicks such as shown in this photo. What breed(sl were you told these are? What, specifically, causes you to question their gender?
At 6+ weeks post photos that show the while chick(s), from the side, without hands, etc restricting what can be seen. Wth the exception of a large, bright pink comb a photo like the one posted will be insufficient to assess gender as there are several characteristics to be assessed.
The olny reason we questioned it because where we got them from there have been complaints about them selling hens and them during out to be roosters. This is our fist experience with chickens so everything is new still . We will be happy either way but want to make sure we have the right coop set up for them . We where told they where all hens
The olny reason we questioned it because where we got them from there have been complaints about them selling hens and them during out to be roosters. This is our fist experience with chickens so everything is new still . We will be happy either way but want to make sure we have the right coop set up for them . We where told they where all hens
Where did you get them from? some companies are dishonest.

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