Rooster or hen???


5 Years
Sep 15, 2014
Pineville Louisiana
Just started with chickens about 3 months ago - started with 3, 1 Orpington approx. 1yr and 2 wellsommers, approx. 2 yrs - the Orpington has started crowing and I am wondering if it is a late blooming rooster. When we first got the 3 we did see it on the nesting box but at the time I didn't realize they needed a roost higher than their box. Since I fixed that, have not seen it back in the boxes. Also we did get 2 different kinds of eggs so either the Orpington laid eggs or the sister Wellsommers laid eggs different from each other. Previous owner that it laid egg also but he too has several hens.
The Orpington (Happy) is well natured with me and the hens, will chase my dogs along the fence line, crows all hours of day, no spurs (little bumps tho), and did jump on a hen once feet first, penned her to ground then hopped off, crowed and spread neck feathers.
Appreciate any help you can give - Thanks!!!

What color eggs are you getting? Different hens w/in the same breed will lay eggs that can vary in shade, but if you are getting two totally different colored eggs there are a couple of breeds frequently mistaken for Welsummers, so it may be this is the case with your birds.
I took a gander in your profile to see if I could find pictures of the Welsummers in question, and didn't see any in the birds that were shown. Since we never tire of seeing chickens around here, you might want to just go ahead and post pictures of all your birds - that way we can help you sort out who is what
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I'll post more pics after I finish cooking lunch (lol) - it may be a blessing in disguise because I have no restrictions where I live and was actually scared of getting a rooster because I thought they were mean. This is actually my favorite of the lot!!

Hard to see but we just got them (July 3) 2 Wellsummers on left and Orpington on right

our 1st egg - the other egg we were getting was lighter and bigger

Happy (the rooster?) Orpington on 9-08 - about the time he started crowing - grown a lot even in a week's time -seeing tail feathers develop

My 2 Wellsummers and 2 reds of some breed??? Wellsummers are molting and reds only ones laying right now

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