May 3, 2015 #2 pfields Songster 5 Years Mar 23, 2014 639 67 136 Central Texas Coast My Coop My Coop How old?
May 3, 2015 Thread starter #3 nelson85 Hatching Apr 14, 2015 6 0 7 Hawarden ia 5 weeks I think got the 3/28/15 feed store
May 3, 2015 #4 pfields Songster 5 Years Mar 23, 2014 639 67 136 Central Texas Coast My Coop My Coop Just guessing, rooster.
May 3, 2015 #7 pfields Songster 5 Years Mar 23, 2014 639 67 136 Central Texas Coast My Coop My Coop The one on the right looks like it might have a larger comb, does it? How do their legs look? We just got 28 new chicks in January and by five weeks the three rooster stood out due to their larger combs and thicker legs. Ours are all RIR.
The one on the right looks like it might have a larger comb, does it? How do their legs look? We just got 28 new chicks in January and by five weeks the three rooster stood out due to their larger combs and thicker legs. Ours are all RIR.
May 3, 2015 #8 junebuggena Crowing Apr 17, 2015 23,102 8,324 491 Long Beach, WA I have six barred rock pullets, they all had different variations of single combs. As long as they don't turn red, they are girls.
I have six barred rock pullets, they all had different variations of single combs. As long as they don't turn red, they are girls.
May 3, 2015 Thread starter #9 nelson85 Hatching Apr 14, 2015 6 0 7 Hawarden ia Thick and and black in front
May 4, 2015 #10 BantamLover21 Crowing 7 Years Jul 24, 2013 23,660 1,614 426 They look like pullets to me for now, but they're a little young to be sure.