Rooster partnership


12 Years
Aug 18, 2007
My two silkie roosters seem to have a partnership. The white one, Onigiri, is the protector. When they are out in the yard, he does not rest for watching out. If the girls separate into two groups, he seems to get really nervous trying to keep up. The partridge one, Boss Man, is the food dude. When food comes out, he is the first one to realize it, and he won't eat a thing until he calls all his girls to come and eat. We have observed both of them trying to mate the standard size ladies. Their arrangement is working out great, especially after I thought I was going to have to rehome one of them just a couple of months ago because of fighting. Maybe with silkie roosters and standard hens, it takes two of them to do one standard rooster's job!
Thanks Chicken Lady! My daughter named him, when we still thought he was a she.

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