Rooster problems


Oct 28, 2016
Hi! I found out that i have a rooster! They said they were pullets! There were 3 Pullets. I have 17 hens and a rooster! The rooster is almost 3 months old! i guess my question is if i get the eggs quick enough before they become a chick there be fine to eat? i sell my eggs so i don't want a half formed chick when they open up the egg!:) He's a Easter Egger.
Hi! I found out that i have a rooster! They said they were pullets! There were 3 Pullets. I have 17 hens and a rooster! The rooster is almost 3 months old! i guess my question is if i get the eggs quick enough before they become a chick there be fine to eat? i sell my eggs so i don't want a half formed chick when they open up the egg!:) He's a Easter Egger.

Yep, the eggs are fine to eat. So long as you're collecting them daily, you shouldn't ever have any issues.

Someone else can chime in with how long it takes an egg to develop to the point you could tell, but it's a while.
When i want more chickens i just let her sit on the eggs? I have easter eggers, speckled sussex, barred rocks, and black australops! what breeds will i get out of them?
When i want more chickens i just let her sit on the eggs? I have easter eggers, speckled sussex, barred rocks, and black australops! what breeds will i get out of them?

If you have a hen that is broody, you can try that.

As far as what breeds you'll get, they'll a mix between whatever breed your rooster is, and the hen that layed the egg.

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