Rooster Quit Crowing


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Hodges, S.C.
About a week ago one of myroosters died. Since then my other rooster quit crowing all together. Is this normal? He used to crow all the time most of the time when i went to his pen. i moved him over to be with the rest of the girls and when i did he quit crowing. he still mates the girls and calls them to the food and treats but i miss him crowing. is it possible he will start back?
One explaination (I think) is that there isn't anymore competition for him. I think given more time he will pick up his duties as guardian of the flock. I had 3 roosters and they drove me CRAZY. I got rid of 1 that was right next to the other and things have quieted down conciderably.
I agree. My rooster has no competition as our farm is very isolated. Now he crows once or twice in the morning, if they get an early crower in the commercial houses at the next farm over or when someone drives up to our place. Other than that he's pretty quiet.
thats what i was thinking but when my dads rooster starts crowing he dont make a sound and he used too. maybe it just takes some time

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