Rooster-Rhode Island Red


9 Years
Sep 30, 2010
I have a rooster that has lost feather around the neck. Initially looked like a fight with another rooster or got his head stuck someplace it shouldn't feather growth so no problem.....tonight there is new damage/loss to the front of the neck. There is another rooster. Any ideas on what is going on?
It sounds like it could be fighting. I would hang out in the coop/yard and monitor the behaviors. If you have an aggresser than you'll need to seperate it/re-home it. Or if the aggresser is an unwanted/un-needed roo, you could send it to freezer camp. I hope you figure out the problem.

If your roo is bleeding then you'll need to seperate it and let it heal so the flock wont peck it to death.
Could be other chickens picking and eating feathers and pin feathers. Try adding some dry cat food to their diet to increase protein intake.
I've got cat so will add the cat chow. We monitor the yard fairly closely and have not had a problem with the two roosters and 21 hens .... but something is certainly up in the coop. Thanks for the input.
I had RIR roos. They are all gone on to freezer camp or rehomed. But then I had 15 roosters and something had to happen.

I pulled five RIR roos out of the pen and put them into a tractor at 21 weeks because they were agressive and I knew they would be the first to go......two days later hardly any had feathers left on their necks and four of them ganged up on one and I thought it was dead.....did not move for five full minutes. So...yeah, they are fighting.

STILL have three is still iffy, a cochin. But top roo is starting to get cocky. Tomorrow I start with the picking him up and carrying him around. I want this nipped in the bud.

The fighting really gets to me. I want a calm flock....
To: bburn
I'm thinking maybe the roos (2) are fighting in the AM before they are let out of coop to free range. Thanks for the assist will keep a close eye out of what is going on.
You are probably right. It is scary when they fight. You raise them and somewhere in our minds they should be nice to each other. It was a wild ride with mine and it is not over yet. We pulled the cochin out yesterday and checked his legs for spurs. His nubs are pretty big. Still waiting on a crow or an egg. In the meantime am looking for a couple of cochin hens to put with him. Oh, and build another coop and run while my husband is out of town!!

I just hate to see them with no feathers on their know it has to hurt!

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